Kverneland PUDAMA

PUDAMA zabezpečuje vysoké výnosy riadkových plodín pri znížených vstupoch a vplyve na životné prostredie.


Ušetrite 25 % štartovacích hnojív so 100 % výnosom Maximálna presnosť a efektívnosť Udržateľný poľnohospodársky systém
Volker Schanzenbach   - Kverneland R & D Manager

“Key for farming now and in the future is to reduce the environmental and climate impact of how we produce and consume food. With PUDAMA, we can save 25% of the starter fertiliser. That means it does not go into the soil and it is not washed out. At the same time, we are talking about saving 81,000 tonnes of fertiliser per year in Germany, fertiliser which does not even have to be produced."

Volker Schanzenbach Kverneland R & D Manager